Friday, March 18, 2011

Hanging the Ceiling and the Cabinets Come Next!

Cabinets and cubbies were delivered this week for all of the classrooms in the new addition. As painting was finished up this week in the classrooms, they will begin to hang the ceiling grid next week. These rooms will begin to look more like classrooms in the coming weeks!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Primering and Painting

Shaw's of Okoboji has completed one week of primering and painting and will plan to finish up next week. The crew started the week painting all of the door frames a maroon color to match the existing building door frames. The crew then moved on to primering the new concrete block before painting the new walls a beige color.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

You Can Clearly See the Progress

The windows have been installed in the 2nd floor classrooms and they have started installing the windows on the lower level as well. Shaw's of Okoboji will begin primering and painting the concrete block walls of the addition next week.