Friday, August 5, 2011

Renovating Our Heating System

On July 28th, Hander Plumbing craned in the new boilers and equipment necessary to finalize the renovation of our new heating system. We have converted from a steam heat system to a hot water heat system. Pictured to the left is the 175 ton crane extending from the front of the building and lowering one of 2 pressure tanks into the boiler room.

The picture on the right shows one of the 4 new boilers that were craned over the school and lowered into the boiler room through a hole cut in the roof. Our new boiler system will be more efficient and dependable than the previous outdated system.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Flooring is Going Smooth

All of the tile flooring has been installed throughout the addition. Tile flooring is being used in each room as well as the bathrooms. The classrooms for our younger students downstairs have more tile than carpet. You can see from the picture that different colors of tile have been used to create a pattern.

Terrazzo flooring is being poured in the entries to each classroom and in the hallway on the 2nd floor. The picture on the left shows half of the terrazzo poured in the hallway upstairs.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Book Fair Fun!

As you can see from the pictures, I was "silly-stringed" for meeting our goal at the Book Fair. Our goal was to have our total sales reach $8,000. With everyone's help, our total sales reached almost $10,000. Thank you to everyone who participated in this year's book fair! A BIG thank you to our parents who volunteered throughout the book fair to make it so successful!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Progress Continues on the Addition

The ceiling grid and lights are in place on the 2nd floor and are currently being installed on the 1st floor. Ceiling tiles will be installed once the work above the ceiling is completed. Larson Contracting is also installing cabinets, countertops and cubbies in each room throughout the addition.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Hanging the Ceiling and the Cabinets Come Next!

Cabinets and cubbies were delivered this week for all of the classrooms in the new addition. As painting was finished up this week in the classrooms, they will begin to hang the ceiling grid next week. These rooms will begin to look more like classrooms in the coming weeks!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Primering and Painting

Shaw's of Okoboji has completed one week of primering and painting and will plan to finish up next week. The crew started the week painting all of the door frames a maroon color to match the existing building door frames. The crew then moved on to primering the new concrete block before painting the new walls a beige color.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

You Can Clearly See the Progress

The windows have been installed in the 2nd floor classrooms and they have started installing the windows on the lower level as well. Shaw's of Okoboji will begin primering and painting the concrete block walls of the addition next week.